Qatar Fencing Federation
Fencing has grown as an art, a dueling weapon and now it is a competitive sport. Fencing has been part of the Modern Olympic Games since the outset on 1896, with the women’s events added in 1924. During the almost two years of activity of the Association, lead by its founding President Sheikh Mohammed Yousaf Al Mana, the numbers of registered fencers in Qatar is above 120. Thanks to this rapid development, the Qatar Fencing Association has participated for the first time in the Fencing World Championships in Portugal this year and in the 14th Asian Games in Busan, 2002.
Total Matches
President's Message
By the grace of the Almighty we have succeeded in training the fencers of this federation to international standards. We are deeply indebted to His Highness Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani, Chairman of Qatar National Olympic Committee. However, we have still a long way to go.
It is a task that requires much patience and perseverance. The Federation has drawn up a schedule of programs for training and improving skills, taking into consideration the time frame. We also hope to increase the number of participants in this sport. Indeed we are fortunate to be equipped with an excellent infrastructure that may not be available even to other well established federations. There are tremendous opportunities for development and success.
We have pleasure in releasing the first issue of our site on FENCING IN QATAR. Our aim is to introduce ourselves to other sister federations and to reach out to all those interested in Fencing in Qatar and abroad. We would be pleased to receive comments and suggestions that would support and improve our activities and make this site more and more interesting. Allah the Almighty is the Giver of Success.
Abdulla Ali Al-Maadeed
President of Qatar Fencing Federation.